We usually meet on the last Thursday of the month at 2.15pm in the Greyfriars Hall at the Community Centre, Christchurch Road, Ringwood BH24 1DW. Please see map below - Greyfriars is opposite the War Memorial Gardens, and close to a roundabout.
Occasionally, we have a meeting away from Greyfriars, and this will be explained in the membership leaflet and on this website. We do not meet in December and the events in June and August are away from Greyfriars. The meeting in July is on the 3rd Thursday, and not the last one.
The Floral Decoration Club was established as one of the first Greyfriars clubs when the Community Centre came into being in the late 1950's.
Our programme is quite varied, and includes demonstrations, teach-ins and social events.
The annual membership is £20, plus £1 per meeting. Visitors are always very welcome and there is a charge of £4 to help cover our running costs - tea included!
We are affiliated to the national association "NAFAS". There is a link if you go into "NAFAS" from the top menu. . If you are thinking of joining, why not come along to a meeting? You will be most welcome. Just click on "Programme 2019" on the top menu of this page.
The theme running through our club is very much "Friendship through flowers" and we sincerely hope you come along to experience this for yourself